anky · raíces de la tierra

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A cross-latin american art contest (in 8 different cities) that blend the iconography of Anky, its lore, and its intention with the culture of that specific place in the world. Aztecs, Incas, Mapuches, Mayans and all our roots collide into this project, bringing eyes to digital art and ownership from this corner of the world.

NFT (art)
IRL event
Advertising opportunity

About the project

A cross-latin american art contest (in 8 different cities) that blend the iconography of Anky, its lore, and its intention with the culture of that specific place in the world.

Aztecs, Incas, Mapuches, Mayans and all our roots collide into this project, bringing eyes to digital art and ownership from this corner of the world.

Mission alignment

  • Promote the Moonbirds and Mythics brand beyond web3
  • Elevate Moonbirds and Mythics within the web3 community

Community backers

What is it?

The ankyverse consists of 8 kingdoms that align our human nature with the lore of this story.

The idea is to choose 8 key cities in latin america that will represent that country and run a contest on which artists of all sorts will have to create their own interpretation (and manifestation) of Anky.

If you go through the images of the Anky Genesis NFT collection, you will get a grasp on how "an anky looks":

The idea is to give artists the invitation to interpret Anky on their own style, and have the consequences of this be a celebration. Of the roots that we have in our ancient cultures. On how that expresses in our modern hyper-tech world.

The invitation is to explore:

Where can we learn from the traditions that our ancient cultures bring to our modern life?

How can the exploration of the unknown be a vehicle for that?

What is the role that god plays in the unfolding of the human spirit through art?

What is the role that latin america will play in the evolution of humanity happening through blockchain technologies?

There will be a person that will be in charge of organizing everything locally, and from the 6k USD assigned to each country, there will be three prizes:

2k USD for the winner

1k USD for the runner up

500 USD for the third place

The rest of the funds assigned to each city will be used to pay the person that will organize that specific event. These funds will be the seed, because that person will need to find key partners (that are aligned with the ethos of Anky and this specific implementation of our core values) in order to run a local event on which to showcase the art for a weekend.

It is all an excuse to showcase our relationship with god.

Anky is just an excuse to talk about god (and our relationship to that energy) without the labels of religion.

Art is the perfect vehicle for this, and "Anky · Raíces de la Tierra" is just a celebration of that.

How does it benefit the Moonbirds and Mythics holder community?

It will position Proof as a key vehicle for supporting art on a side of the world that is underrepresented (and underexplored) in this moment of time: Latin America.

Every human being is a web3 artist. This project is a vehicle towards making that a reality, through the practical exploration of an awe-inspiring contest that will bring the eyes of all a continent into what we are doing here.

About the team

Because there is a fire inside me that wants to be brought into life through initiatives like this. That bring our communities together. That represent us under an umbrella that doesn't differentiate between black and white, but that just pushed the human spirit through the power of creativity.

I have walked that path, building Anky step by step. Moment by moment. Sharpening the idea, bringing more clarity into what this idea wants to turn into.

I have the clarity. I have the strength. And i have the voice. I can talk about the underlying energy that gives birth to Anky (and that will inspire the artists to create their pieces) all day long, because i've walked the path of self inquiry myself.

All of my life is devoted to the quest of truth, and this is just a necessary consequence of that. The fire is just too hot, and i promise you that i will make something that will make an impact if you trust in me.

An impact in the live's of the artists that will participate.

An impact in the life of their communities.

An impact in web3 as a whole by bringing new eyes into what is happening here.

And an impact that we all have with ourselves. It is all an excuse to sharpen that pencil, inside each one of us.

I have built everything that entails this project on my own, and this is how i raise my hand and say:


I'm the right person to bring this idea to life because i am humble. And i know when to ask for help.

And here i am... Chopping wood and carrying water.

Product strategy

The ankyverse works in 96 days cycles that are followed by a 21 period of rest. As I write these words, we are on wink (day) 45 of the second sojourn (cycle).

The idea is to launch the project at the beginning of a sojourn (hopefully the third, which starts at the end of march), so that artists can work on their pieces throughout the whole third sojourn. At the end of it, we will have the expositions in every one of these 8 cities, all at the same time.

If we are not able to make it in this time frame, the project will be delayed to the next sojourn (mid year).

Everything that happens through this brand is in resonance with the calendar of the ankyverse, and this is itself an invitation for the people that interact with this idea to reflect on our cyclical nature (as nature is an integral part of us).

The team i'll assemble is the 8 project leaders in each one of these cities, and they will be in charge of spreading the voice in their respective countries.

Everything aligned by a common "way of talking to the world", that will make this project a cross-latin-american event that will capture the eyes of all people.

What are the risks?

The design of the contest tends to catalyze collaboration and community, and i deeply believe that that is, inherently, a strong vehicle for minimizing risks. It is not about the money, it is about the energy that is moving through the relationship that we have to it.

The prizes for the art are just an excuse for people to explore their art.

That being said, it would be a bummer if:

a) Not enough artists participate

b) I am not able to find the proper people to represent the project in each city

c) No sponsors for every one of them

d) The quality of the art submitted sucks

e) People not understanding what Anky is

Each one of these mitigated by:

a) A clear and straightforward mechanism for people to apply and understand what this is about. Low barrier to entry.

b) Working with artists in order to find who are the people that they respect. This being an entry point to finding who to work with.

c) Making everything low-cost and community driven so that a big budget for the actual gallery event is not necessary. The focus is on the art, and the process of the different artists.

d) This will sort itself out as the process for creating it lasts for 96 days and people will share their work in social media, which will get more people inspired by creating their piece to submit.

e) Strong clarity in order for me to clearly explain what "an anky" is, and which are the guidelines that determines if something "is an anky" or not. I believe there are no boundaries to this, though.

What will the money actually be spent on? Do you expect any other money to come in related to this project, e.g. revenues?

I'm asking for 48k. This means 6k for each venue. The most important expense from this will be for the prizes (3.5k) and paying the person that will be in charge of the event for their participation (1.8k).

The idea is to incentivize each one of these persons to get their local community going on this, and hopefully to get funding to create an event that will be awesome. It is encouraged for people to look for ideas on how to generate those connections.

I am a programmer and i can do all of the web3 related stuff (creating custom smart contracts for this, creating the platform where to submit the art, etc), and part of the rest of the money will be used for these purposes.